Taken from http://www.beautyexists.net/news/15-year-old-becomes-the-youngest-astrophysicist-in-the-world/


Doctors said that Jacob Barnett would never be able to tie his own shoes, but at the age of 15…Barnett has become the youngest astrophysicist in the world.

At the age of 2, Jacob was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism and doctors said he would never be able to read or write.  But his mom Kristine Barnett, refused to listen to their words. Instead, she set out to help him transform his life. The key, according to mom Kristine,was letting Jacob be himself — by helping him study the world with wide-eyed wonder instead of focusing on a list of things he couldn’t do.

After his diagnosis, Jacob was visited frequently by a number of psychologists under an Indiana program called First Steps, which included a developmental therapist, an occupational therapist, and a speech therapist, among others.

Jacob spent years in the clutches of a special education system that didn’t understand what he needed. His teachers at school would try to dissuade Kristine from hoping to teach Jacob any more than the most basic skills. But Kristine started to notice that when he was not in therapy, Jacob was doing “spectacular things” on his own. For example, she told the BBC: (more…)

Eight Online Math Activity Sites

Taken from http://www.hsclassroom.net/

The following post is from contributing writer Demetria Zinga of Christian Homeschool Moms.

hsclassroom math activities

If you have struggling math learners who need a little jolt of fun included in the school day, you might want to locate low-cost or free resources that will assist your child in learning to love math.  After doing a search in Pinterest, I was astounded by the amount of free online math games available that I haven’t been taking advantage of! This school year, I now know that I’ll be sprucing up our math programs- making it a much more fun learning experience for my kids.

If you’re looking for some online resources that will help your kids enjoy math, try these resources. (more…)

Autumn Leaves: 9 Fall Crafts for Kids

The following is a post from contributing writer Jamie.

No question about it, autumn is my favorite season. Once the sweltering heat of the Georgia summer is over, I want to get outside as often as possible. Anytime I do have to be inside, I want to either be baking or crafting — or maybe crafting something while snacking on whatever goodies I baked earlier!

I’ve rounded up nine fun fall leaf-themed crafts I plan to do with my kids as soon as the leaves start to change.

fall leaf crafts

1 – leaf “stained glass”

Start with an autumn nature walk, then come home and start crafting!

2 – leaf critters

Yes, this page is in Russian but, no instructions are required for this project; just look at the leaf critters on that site to get creative ideas to make your own adorable leaf animals!  (Use Google translate if you want to read the page in English.)

3 – leaf maze

Got a yard full of leaves? Have a little fun while you rake, and make a maze for the kids!

4 – shaving cream leaves

This craft doesn’t use real leaves but it’s still a fun leaf-themed project for just about any age child — or mom! If the kids are doing a fun craft, why shouldn’t mom get to join in? In fact, the kids will think it’s even MORE fun if you join in!

5 – hammered leaf prints

This simple project could make wall art if done on nice paper and framed! A parent or older child should be the one to wield the hammer, but little ones can find beautiful leaves of different colors to use for the project.

6 – maple leaf rose

I will most definitely be making some of these myself! This project may be too hard for younger children, but older ones (and mom!) can have fun creating roses out of maples leaves.

7 – fall mobile

A simple enough project for elementary aged kids, but interesting enough for much older kids to make, too. Use leaves, pine cones, whatever fall treasures you find in your yard or on a nature walk.

8 – negative leaf impressions

Don’t miss the blogger’s advice to press your leaves for a day after collecting to make this project come out even more art-worthy.

9 – salt dough leaf prints

These are so beautiful, I think they’d make delightful grandparent gifts!

Jamie is a wife, mama, home educator, and shutterbug who never ventures far from a steaming hot mug of tea. Her kid range in age from preschool to adult, which means there’s rarely a dull (or quiet!) moment in her home. Also find her on twitter or facebook.