Home School Sponsored Extracurricular Activities
Larger cities and towns usually have sports and other extracurricular activities for home schoolers. These are usually organized by home schoolers in the area. Choices may be more limited in rural areas. Check with your local home school support group to find out what opportunities exist in your area. Check with a support group in a nearby larger city or town if you can’t find the activity your are looking for in your own community.
Many home school families utilize local sports and activity programs through their local Boy’s Club, Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, or City sponsored activity programs.
Home School Participation in Private School Extracurriculuar Activities
A small number of private schools with athletic programs are not members of AAA. Home schoolers can play for those schools subject to the approval of the school.
Home School Participation in Public School Extracurricular Activities
Act 1469 of 2013 allows home schoolers to try out for extracurricular activities at their local public school.
This law:
Requires a school let home schooled students try out or sign up for extracurricular activities if the students demonstrate academic eligibility;
Requires students be present at school for no more than one class period–which many extracurricular activities might require anyway;
Sets standards by which home schooled students participating in extracurricular activities meet and maintain participation eligibility.
You can read the entire law by clicking here to download it.