Likely Vote Count on HB 2144, David Cook’s home school bill

Below is information on which way the members of the House Education Committee seem to be leaning regarding HB 2144, David Cook’s home school bill. Home schoolers have done a very good job of contacting members of the committee. Several members of the committee have indicated that they do not support Rep. Cook’s bill. A number of committee members have suggested doing an interim study on the bill. This would be fine with us. In the meantime, home schoolers are encouraged to continue contacting members of the committee. You can reach them at the capitol switchboard Monday – Friday during the day at (501) 682-6211. You can e-mail them any time, or call them at home over the weekend.


Rep. Martin Files GOOD Home School Bill

Rep. Mark Martin has filed a good home school bill that will alleviate some of the restrictions placed on home school families by the State of Arkansas. Among other things, the bill eliminates some of the paperwork required to be filed when the child begins home schooling, and makes it easier to transfer from public school to home school mid-semester.


More on HB 2144, Bad Home School Bill

Today a group of us went to lobby members of the House Education Committee in regards to HB 2144, Rep. Cook’s bad home school bill. While the bill did not come up today, I can tell you honestly that I believe we are making headway.

Representatives told us they have received calls and emails from home schoolers all over Arkansas; they are hearing our side of this story, but we cannot afford to let up.
