Attracting Owls to Your Backyard

This article isn’t so much about the tips and tricks associated with home schooling as it is a fun activity that you and your kids can enjoy: Building a nest for owls.

Nocturnal animals, like owls and bats, have always held a mysterious place in the imaginations of people. As a kid, I always thought owls were awesome. When we went camping, I loved to hear the low hoots from the treetops or the eerie cries of the screech-owl (


Arkansas’ Home School Conventions are Here! Sign Up Today!

Every year, the Arkansas Education Alliance hosts two conventions intended specifically for home schoolers. These annual conventions are large, professional programs designed around the needs of home school families. They provide a wide array of curricula for sale (both used and new), workshops to help parents better educate their children, and activities for the kids.
