by Cindy Short and Sue Welch, co-editors
Taken from Newsletter #375
Your decision to home school should be based on your determination of God’s will for your family.
Reaffirming why you are teaching your children at home will provide the conviction, confidence, and commitment that you will need in order to persevere during difficult times.
Many home school families have found it beneficial to write out their decision to home school along with a list, or summary, of the reasons why they have made that decision.
These reasons for your decision will also help you explain your home education choice to others, including your children.
1. Seek the Lord through His Word and Prayer
Seek the Lord’s will for your family through His Word and pray for His promised wisdom, guidance, and strength. Make a daily quiet time with God top priority.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
who gives to all men generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.” James 1:5-7
2. Agree as Husband and Wife
It is important to agree as husband and wife on this important decision.
Maintain good communication with your spouse at each step in your decision and homeschooling process.
One parent may do most of the research, planning, or teaching, but the other should be informed and involved in decision making.
3. Consider the Homeschool Advantages
Teaching and training your children at home can provide the optimum opportunity for your children’s spiritual training and character development as well as their social and academic welfare, including:
A. Spiritual
Teaching your children at home allows you to teach them God’s Word and to teach all subjects from a distinctively Christian worldview.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
Prov. 9:10
The home can also provide a safer environment in which to protect your children from destructive influences such as various temptations, false teachings, negative peer pressure, and unsafe environments.
B. Academic
Proven results of the individual tutoring done in home education include:
• Academic Excellence. Each child can achieve his full educational potential.
• Independent Thinking. Children develop confidence and independent thinking away from the peer pressure to conform and in the security of their own home.
• Life-long Love of Learning. Children have time to explore individual interests.
C. Social
Nurturing your children at home helps you build relationships with your children and show them how much you love them.
• Each child can receive individual attention and have his unique needs met.
• Children can gain respect for their parents as teachers.
• The family can experience unity, closeness, and mutual enjoyment of one another as they spend more time working together.
• You can help your children build lasting Christian friendships with people of all ages as they interact with church and family friends.
D. Character Development
Christian character is as high – or higher – a priority as excellence in academics for Christian home school families.
When children remain with their parents, instead of being sent out of their home, more quality time is available to train and influence them in good habits, manners, and Christ-like character.
Homeschooling is a way of life in which the home is the center of life and learning.
Through home education, parents can experience in a unique way their responsibility to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.