Written by Jolanthe

Homeschool Basics - tips and helps to homeschool your child

“I want to homeschool, but where do I start?”

This question and many others from parents considering homeschooling show up in my inbox each week and this series began in hopes of helping answer them. While I don’t claim to have all of the answers to the questions, I hope to give some direction to helpful resources available and a little more of a peek at how things are in our homeschool time.

If you are thinking about homeschooling, this series may be a help to you as you begin – or an encouragement to you as you continue your homeschool adventure. Posts are still in the works for several topics, but those completed are linked below.

Ready to start?

Is there something you would like to see addressed? Feel free to add a comment!

For the record, I am not an expert. I’m a homeschool mom who is sharing what she’s learned so far along the way with her own family.

Jolanthe Signature

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