MyCollege – Make College Work for You So You Do Not Have to Pay for It!

Published with Permission
Written by Clifford Stumme

High school graduation is the pinnacle of home school success, but what comes after? You have set your child up for success. From reading lessons at age 3 to finding just the right math curriculum for algebra in high school, you have done everything that you could to make graduation successful and to prepare your child for the “real world.” However, some time, around ninth grade perhaps, something began looming on the academic horizon. You thought, “How will we ever have that much money?” and “Will he be able to pass the ACT or the SAT?” and “For that matter, which test should he take?” and “Where can I get financial aid?”

This unspeakable fear was . . . college.

Most people believe that a four-year degree at a cost of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, is the only way to do college. For years, parents and students have subjected themselves to outrageous tuition fees and years of loan repayment, but there is a way to escape all of that. (more…)

Home School: Books, Children, Kitchen, and Husbands

Published with Permission
Written by Ronald E Johnson, C.Ph.D.

Someone once observed with tongue in cheek, that the best candidate for managing a Fortune 500 corporation would be a home school mother who successfully educated half a dozen children while keeping her marriage intact.  Anyone who knows anything about education, marriage and home management smiles in agreement.  The fact is that home education is no easy accomplishment.  It requires a genius level mental capacity, industrial level production, Wall Street management skills, and athleticism at the Pro-bowl level!  And oh yes, the effective home school mom demonstrates a good sense of humor, tough hide, romantic touch, culinary skills, and academic competency at the Ph. D. level. 

Nothing short of praise and admiration are due to moms who home educate their children.  The women who decide to train their children at kitchen tables and living room desks deserve credit far beyond the accolades splashed on traditional school teachers.  Not only do home school moms keep house (laundry, dishes, meals, diapers, mopping, and dusting), they are acutely aware of sensitive relationships with their husbands.  It is one thing to keep children focused diligently on arithmetic, grammar, penmanship, and science projects; it is quite another thing to maintain a positive and endearing relationship with husband after a grueling day with diapers, arithmetic, biology, grilled-cheese sandwiches, and research assignments. (more…)

Homeschool Support Groups: Do You Need One?

Written with Permission
By Pamela Greer


Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). The Bible clearly encourages employing the counsel of others in our endeavors, and homeschooling is no exception. With the myriad of choices and decisions regarding curriculum alone, the support of other like-minded individuals is vital. I could not imagine venturing through this journey alone.

When I was invited to join our support group, my 3-year-old and I were singing rhyming songs and playing Candy Land and identifying colors and shapes in library books. I was so new to homeschooling I didn’t know support was something I needed. Nearly ten years of homeschooling later, I think of my support group as more of a life support group. (more…)