Homeschool Support Groups: Do You Need One?
Written with Permission
By Pamela Greer
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). The Bible clearly encourages employing the counsel of others in our endeavors, and homeschooling is no exception. With the myriad of choices and decisions regarding curriculum alone, the support of other like-minded individuals is vital. I could not imagine venturing through this journey alone.
When I was invited to join our support group, my 3-year-old and I were singing rhyming songs and playing Candy Land and identifying colors and shapes in library books. I was so new to homeschooling I didn’t know support was something I needed. Nearly ten years of homeschooling later, I think of my support group as more of a life support group. (more…)