Freezer Cooking

By Malia Russell

Freezer cooking is one of my very favorite ways to prepare meals for our family. When I have a large variety of yummy meals already prepared and ready to go with just a little reheating, I am much more likely to enjoy having healthy, homemade meals every night rather than resorting to carry-out, eating out, or picking up quick-but-unhealthy foods. Freezer cooking can also be very economical, because you are able to buy things like meat or veggies in large (and often cheaper) quantities and you can learn to make the most of leftovers.      (more…)

Egyptian pharaoh’s tomb discovered by American archaeologists

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The important find is the burial site of Sobekhotep I, believed to be the first king of the 13th Dynasty

By Garry Shaw. Web only
Published online: 06 January 2014

The immense royal quartzite sarcophagus of Sobekhotep I

The tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh King Sobekhotep I, believed to be first king of the 13th Dynasty (1781BC-1650BC), has been discovered by a team from the University of Pennsylvania at Abydos in Middle Egypt, 500km south of Cairo.    (more…)

The Socialization Deception

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If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times—that age-old question asked of every homeschooler by every homeschool skeptic: “What about socialization?”

Whether asked by genuinely concerned and well-meaning relatives or posed by our most ardent critics, the question has become so routine that many homeschoolers are able to answer it without a moment’s thought. But for years, we’ve been answering this question the wrong way.

“Well,” the standard answer goes, “our kids go to soccer practice once a week, our youngest daughter takes music lessons, our son is in 4-H and Boy Scouts, the oldest two are part of the church youth group, and they all have lots of friends around the neighborhood. They get plenty of socialization.”

Question answered, critic silenced. We feel good. Vindicated. “You can’t get us with that question,” we think to ourselves. “Just look at all the socialization my kids get!”

However good it may feel to give this answer, it amounts to little more than an “Oh yeah?” response. “What do you mean my kids don’t get enough socialization? Just look at everything they’re involved in!”

Is this the best answer we can give? And is it possible we’re compromising our own values and allowing the world’s thinking to become our own?     (more…)