The ABCs of Order in Your Home

Published with Permission
Written by Marilyn Rockett


Okay, Ladies—let’s talk. It’s time to drag this idea of organization out of the shadows, dust it off, and take a good look. We know we need “it” but we aren’t sure where to get “it” or how to keep “it.” We see a friend or acquaintance with “it,” and we wonder how she does “it.”

Why does organization seem so difficult? We long for order out of our chaos, but the whole thing seems to elude us at times. If we could just grasp “it” long enough to show some positive progress, we would feel hope for long-term solutions to our dilemma.

Each of us fights a private battle with organization. Do you lack training? Do you have lazy habits? Do you have a rebellious spirit toward your role in the home? Are you just too busy juggling too many balls? Is school time or your use of a particular curriculum crowding out other important tasks because you fear that you won’t provide a good education for your children? Have you forgotten your priorities? Maybe you’ve never sorted out your priorities; consequently, you jump from one task to another, leaving unfinished jobs strewn from one end of the house to the other. Whatever your particular nemesis, you may be tired of the fight and you yearn for peace and order in your home.

If you desire that order, you have come to a profitable place for change. (more…)

Homeschooling is a Family Affair

Published with Permission
Written by Marilyn Rockett

With a good bit of apprehension, I started an ambitious project recently. I dismantled 20 years of family picture albums because the pictures were discoloring and because I had only one set of albums but four sons. Why didn’t I think years ago to assemble individual albums for my boys so each would have his own set by the time he was grown? Well, you know about hindsight.

As I reminisced while dividing the pictures among my sons, one thing stood out to me. There were a large number of pictures with the boys and their grandparents—sweet pictures of them giving a grandmother a hug, of an adoring grandson wearing his grandfather’s World War II Navy medals and sword, of a grandparent helping with some task, of a birthday or a trip shared with a grandparent, and the annual pictures of our family in front of a grandparent’s fireplace at Christmas.

Now that I have six grandchildren, the project also brought back many precious childhood memories of my own grandparents—of things they did or said. Isn’t this the way the Lord meant it to be? (more…)