Homeschooling can offer your kids a myriad of educational life experiences.
The Basics:[1]
Over 1.5 million kids
Or 3% of all kids
Are homeschooled.
84% received all education at home[1]
11% go to school <9 hours a week
5% go to school from 9-25 hours a week
But that doesn’t mean they’re trapped at home.
They’re busy doing some cool things.
Reasons for homeschooling:[1]
36% Religious or moral instruction
21% Concern about school environment (safety, drugs, negative peer pressure)
17% dissatisfaction with academic instruction
14% Other reasons (family time, finances, travel, distance)
7% Want to provide a non-traditional approach to education
6% health problems or special needs
In general homeschooled kids are smart:
2009 homeschoolers who took the
(1) California Achievement test
(2) The Iowa Test of Basic Skills
and (3)The Stanford Achievement Test
Scored in the:
89th percentile in reading
84th percentile in math
84th percentile in language
86th percentile in science
and 84th percentile in social studies.
Public school students scored in the 50th percentile for every category of the same tests.
They can learn a lot out in the world.
The Park–
Silicon Valley Homeschooling Groups have pioneered homeschooling outside.
Examples Include:
Santa Clara Park Hoppers
Mid Peninsula Homeschoolers
Once a week meetings in local parks.
What can you learn there?
1.) Natural Science
2.) Social Skills
3.) P.E.
The Library–[5]
NY and other regions with world-class libraries have a vast educational resource
1.) It’s free!
2.) Connection to community events.
3.) Books are the basis of a solid education.
Field Trips–[6]
No permission slips, no need to schedule months in advance, there are potential field trips all around you.
Examples Include:
1.) Hiking
2.) Museums
3.) Plays
4.) Musical Events
5.) Festivals
6.) Historical Sites
Even Walmart, or the mall.
Even routine errands can be structured as learning experiences for homeschoolers.
Examples Include:
1st grader — learn to count money.
7th grader — write about marketing ideas
12th grader — create an anthropological field study.
Take non-peak season trips. Save money, expand your kids mind.
Examples Include:
Exploring the country
A historical site a few hours away
Or destinations across the world
Comic Con–[8]
Bridge the gap between the culture your kid likes and what they should learn.
Examples Include:
Video Games
Cultivate a hobby–
Many homsechoolers use the flexibility to focus on a passion there would be no time for at school.
Examples Include:
Many famous child actors are homeschooled.
Music prodigies
Child sports stars
Or any hobby you can think of.
Arguably, you can learn much more at home than at school.