Written by Pat Welch
Before you start the major dejunking process described below, take some time to plan a place for everything you want to keep. This is the foundation of a neat home: “A place for everything and everything in its place!”
Budget your space, much like you would budget your money or your time. Consider the amount of space you have to work with and what you want to do with it.
This is a new way of thinking about your space and belongings – not simply where can I put everything, but what do I need and where do I need it.
7 Steps To Finding a Place for Everything
1. Start by making a list of the functions your house is used for (e.g., sleeping, cooking, washing, eating, playing, visiting, making things, entertaining, studying).
2. Decide the best use of each room as you match it to one or more of the functions. This is also a fresh approach to organizing your home. For instance, two or more children could share a room with bunk beds and free up a room to be used for a your school work and library.
3. Next, write the name of each room at the top of a page and list the uses of that room and what items should be in that room for those needs.
4. Now assign a space in each room for the items needed there.
5. You will need some general storage space as well somewhere in your house for miscellaneous items that don’t fit anywhere else or are being saved for later. This could be either unused space in the rooms, or a separate area in the attic, basement, shed, etc.
6. After you know exactly where each item belongs, print copies of your list. Post them throughout the house (inside cupboard or closet doors), and distribute them to family members. You can also place labels on shelves and in drawers and closets, etc. until habits are firmly established for putting things where they belong.
7. Now you are ready to remove clutter and unneeded items from your home.
One way of getting started might be to check your list for needed items and “go shopping” among your stuff, find them, and put them away.