Home School: Books, Children, Kitchen, and Husbands

Published with Permission
Written by Ronald E Johnson, C.Ph.D.

Someone once observed with tongue in cheek, that the best candidate for managing a Fortune 500 corporation would be a home school mother who successfully educated half a dozen children while keeping her marriage intact.  Anyone who knows anything about education, marriage and home management smiles in agreement.  The fact is that home education is no easy accomplishment.  It requires a genius level mental capacity, industrial level production, Wall Street management skills, and athleticism at the Pro-bowl level!  And oh yes, the effective home school mom demonstrates a good sense of humor, tough hide, romantic touch, culinary skills, and academic competency at the Ph. D. level. 

Nothing short of praise and admiration are due to moms who home educate their children.  The women who decide to train their children at kitchen tables and living room desks deserve credit far beyond the accolades splashed on traditional school teachers.  Not only do home school moms keep house (laundry, dishes, meals, diapers, mopping, and dusting), they are acutely aware of sensitive relationships with their husbands.  It is one thing to keep children focused diligently on arithmetic, grammar, penmanship, and science projects; it is quite another thing to maintain a positive and endearing relationship with husband after a grueling day with diapers, arithmetic, biology, grilled-cheese sandwiches, and research assignments. (more…)

Review: Hero Tales

Published with Permission
Written by Lisa Trombley

Almost two years ago, I had the opportunity to read and review the book Raising Real Men, Surviving and Teaching Boys by Hal and Melanie Young.  You can read my review on it here.  It was an outstanding book and I highly recommend it to anyone who is raising boys.  Last September I had the pleasure to review another book from Great Waters Press called A Cry From Egypt.  You can read my review on it here.  After enjoying these products so much, I was very happy to have an opportunity for an another review from Raising Real Men Hero Tales.


Updated: We Are Not Alone

Published with Permission
Written by Katharine Trauger

Half-orphaned at age ten, almost totally self-educated, successful lawyer…who was this famous home scholar?

“I have no wife and you, no husband. I came deliberately to marry you. I’ve known you from a girl and you’ve known me from a boy. I’ve no time to lose; and if you’re willing, let it be done straight off.”

 Imagine such a proposal! Imagine accepting it and inheriting, in the bargain, two half-grown children to finish raising in addition to your own three. (more…)