Below is the outcome of the vote on SB774, the “Tim Tebow” bill, from this morning. The bill failed yesterday, but was re-run this morning at 9:00 AM. It failed by one vote.
If passed, it would have allowed home schoolers to try out for extracurricular activities at their local public school.
Not Present
Rep. Toni Bradford
Rep. Kathy Webb
Rep. Bobby Pierce
Rep. Randy Stewart
Rep. Jerry Brown
Rep. Jody Dickinson
Rep. Tracy Steele
Rep. Tommy Wren
Rep. Johnnie Roebuck
Voted for the Bill
Rep. Donna Hutchinson
Rep. Duncan Baird
Rep. Tim Summers
Rep. Debra Hobbs
Rep. Les Carnine
Rep. Karen Hopper
Rep. Ann Clemmer
Rep. James McLean
Rep. Jane English
Rep. Eddie Cheatham
Voted Against the Bill
Rep. Robert Dale