Join thousands of home school families from all over the state at the 2011 Home School Day at the Capitol on February 15.
We ask you to bring at least 2 desserts, one for your Senator and one for your Representative – bring extras if you can to make sure every legislator gets something.
Sign-in and dessert drop-off begin at 9am. Committee meetings and walking tours of the Capitol building begin at 10am. There will also be additional walking tours of the Capitol building at 11am and 1pm. All tours are by reservation only. At 12:00pm, we will all gather on the Capitol steps for a group picture. You will also be able to watch bills being voted on when the House and Senate go in session.
The purpose of Home School Day at the Capitol is to promote good will between home schoolers and legislators. Not only is it a fun and educational field trip for you, it is also beneficial for the lawmakers to see who they will be affecting when they vote on a home school bill. Needless to say, in order to accomplish this we want as many home school families there as possible to pack out the Capitol building and make our presence known.
Please mark your calendars and be sure to attend. You need to register in advance for this event so we can verify who your legislators are and print your dessert labels. To register for this event, please visit or call The Education Alliance office at 501-978-5503. The deadline to register is February 11, 2011.
We will also need volunteers on this day. We need people to assist families as they sign-in and to help process all the desserts. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact The Education Alliance office at 501-978-5503 for more details.