I just thought I would keep you guys in the information loop as I plan both home school conventions for 2011. First of all, as a reminder, the Searcy convention will be at Harding University on May 20 & 21 and the North West Arkansas convention has been moved to a new location and at a new time. It will now be in Bentonville at the Clarion Hotel on July 28 & 29. We had to move it because the North West Arkansas Convention Center is under new management and they tripled their prices, which we cannot afford. So, the hunt began and the people at the Clarion Hotel in Bentonville have been very gracious and are eager to help us serve the home school families in their area.
I am planning on sending out weekly updates as I am able to in order to keep you informed on what is going on. The first update I would like to give you is that Dana Adams has stepped down as used book curriculum coordinator. She has coordinated the used curriculum sale for at least 10 years that I know of and she will be greatly missed. We are working on automating the process for you to get a seller number – meaning you will get on our website, type in your information and the computer will issue you a seller number. We will also have numbers in the office for those who don’t have access to a computer (that obviously is not you!). There will be an EA staff member coordinating the used curriculum sale, but she will need an assistant. So, if you are familiar with how the sale operates and would like to volunteer to be her assistant, please contact our office at 501-978-5503 and ask for Melissa. FYI, this position would require a commitment for half a day on Friday and all day on Saturday.
The automation of the numbers should be available within a few weeks. I will let you know when that begins.
Melissa Savary
Education Alliance Director