Growth plays an important role in home schooling. Whether that growth be educational, personal or spiritual, home schooling gives entire families a unique environment to grow in these areas—and many others—together. As someone who home schooled for 10 years, I witnessed all of this firsthand. No doubt many of you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Speaking of growth, were you and your family able to experience some at our home school conventions this year? At the Education Alliance, we are always trying our best to make sure that our conventions provide exactly what you’re looking for. And this year, we believe that both our Searcy and Springdale events were great successes. Interesting workshops, dynamic speakers, popular vendors and exciting programs attracted home schoolers from all across Arkansas.
We also had a great turnout this year. Searcy’s convention drew in at least 1,200 people, and Springdale’s convention welcomed 530 people through its doors—an improvement of about 150 people from last year! In Springdale, we even saw many visitors from Oklahoma and a few from Missouri; from what we could tell, they were very pleased with their experience.
We would love to hear from you. What did you like about either our Searcy or Springdale convention? What didn’t you like? What would you like to see improved? Any and all constructive feedback and suggestions are welcome—just leave us a comment below!