Now that Arkansas’ legislative session is over, we’re ready to change our focus to other aspects of home schooling. We started this blog as a resource for home school families—a place where you could find useful information, learn daily shortcuts, and converse with other home schoolers. True to that purpose, we’ve developed a plan for the future.
Right now, I (David Cox) am the only author on this site; we plan to add to our list of writers in the coming weeks, and will include guest-authors for special articles. Each author will have his or her own specialties and topics of interest. For now, however, here are a few of the things you can expect to see on our blog very soon.
Recipes. I know many home schoolers picked up copies of the home school cookbook we assembled some time ago. We no longer have any copies of the book in stock, but we plan to feature certain recipes from that book on this site from time-to-time. Check back often for the latest tips and tricks on good, home-cooked meals.
Book Reviews. Many home schoolers incorporate large amounts of reading into their curricula. Reading happens to be something I’ve enjoyed very much over the years—particularly classic stories ranging from the Iliad to the Hardy Boys. If you would like a little bit of input on the books that are out there, you’ll love some of the articles we plan to write about literature. Look for these in the near future.
Convention Information. By far the most involved services we provide are our two annual home school conventions. Each May we host one convention in Searcy and one in Springdale. The 2009 conventions are approaching very quickly, and we want to keep you informed of all the details you need to know in order to get the most out of your convention experience this year.
Interim Study Updates. You didn’t think that we were done talking about legislation just because the legislature has adjourned, did you? If you followed our blog during the session, you know that multiple bills pertaining to home schooling were referred to interim studies; this means that legislative committees will meet periodically to discuss and research these pieces of legislation. They can’t pass any new laws, but they can decide whether or not they want to sponsor new bills in 2011. We plan to be there every time home schooling comes up in these committee meetings, and we will keep you posted on all the discussion and decisions that our legislators make.
These are just a few of the things we have in store for the near future. To get regular updates every time we post a new article, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog (use the form on the right-hand side of this page, near the top). If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below, and let us know what your thoughts are concerning this website.
Thanks for all your support and kind words.
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