Make plans to join us Tuesday, February 24, at the State Capitol for Home School Day at the Capitol. Homeschoolers from all over Arkansas will converge at the State Capitol and put their “best homeschooling foot forward”. Because of the changing legislative landscape, it is imperative that as many homeschoolers attend as possible. We want legislators to see just how many of us there are, but on a friendly platform. We also want to thank them for their service to their communities and let them know we appreciate them.
We are asking everyone who attends to bring at least two desserts – one for their senator and one for their representative. If you can bring extras, it would be appreciated. Not every legislator will have people from his/her district attend and we want every legislator to receive something. When making desserts, please keep in mind whatever you make needs to travel well and you need to place the dessert in a container you do not want back.
There will be tours of the Capitol building available at 11 am and 1 pm. These tours are free, but you must pre-register so they know how many tour guides to have on hand.
There will be tour buses available to take participants on a Little Rock Sightseeing Tour at 11 am and 1:30 pm. You can visit for details on the tours. The cost is $20 per person. We must have at least 30 people registered for each tour by January 22 or we will have to cancel the tours. If enough people register, the payment deadline is February 9.
Please contact the Education Alliance to register for this event. You may call our office at 501-978-5503 or email us at You will also be able to register online at beginning January 15. You will need to give us your name, address, phone number, number of desserts you will be bringing, and register for any tours you are interested in.
Information regarding the day of the event (parking, wardrobe, directions, etc.) will be posted on our website on or before January 15. There will also be information available on our website on how to schedule a meeting with your legislator if you are interested in doing so.
Please mark this day on your calendar and plan to attend. It is imperative as many families attend as possible.