We Are Not Alone

Used with Permission
Written by Katharine Trauger

Place yourself, for a while, in the shoes of a homeschooling mother named Sarah, wife of a horse breeder, raising four children in Massachusetts. The War of 1812 is near its end, and you feel such relief, lately, as your family has somehow survived and the British seem to have given up attacking your area. Finally, all seems right with the world around you.

Imagine yourself as Sarah, if you can. Although you are aging and wearying from the trauma of the war, your youngest is ten years old and you realize with satisfaction your children are rapidly becoming self-sufficient. As you dare relax, life returns to normal.

Then you discover you are expecting another child. (more…)

We Are Not Alone

Used with Permission
Written by Katharine Trauger


Imagine with me, if you can, that you live on the East Coast in a town that has been established for only about twenty years, when many of your friends live in log cabins and England is taxing you out of house and home. You are of famous Puritan descent and are married to a Congregational minister. Your little girl is born the year after Thomas Jefferson and the year before John Jay. You have yet to meet them, but you know your daughter has made her appearance at an auspicious time and place.

Imagine, if you can, your delight as she grows and begins to show her personality, to find that she is a generous soul, kind to all, with wise perceptions of her little world,  and everyone’s darling. She loves buttons and bows, the more colorful, the better. (more…)

Updated: We Are Not Alone

Used with Permission
Written by Katharine Trauger

Place yourself in the shoes of a home schooling mother named Jane, from long ago. You remember the time when the Liberty Bell rang out the good news of freedom in the Americas. Mozart and Beethoven are enjoying their years of fame.

Imagine, if you can, Jane, beginning to raise ten children during this time, in a log cabin in the Carolinas, without electricity, without indoor water, without refrigeration, without a car. Nevertheless, the brave experimental society that is growing around you gives you great hope for the future. Your family grows.

Imagine how you must feel as your firstborn son begins esperiencing extreme abdominal pain most of the hours of most of his days, pain for which you can find no remedy. (more…)