Try Unit Studies During the Holidays

Written by Jessica Hulcy

Do you feel like you have no time to enjoy the holidays? Are you drawn to unit studies, but you do not want to let go of your curriculum? Solution: Turn several holidays into kid-friendly units sprinkled with learning! Learn about the holiday’s history and traditions, the songs of the holiday, the people of the holiday, the stories associated with the holiday, the different ways the holiday is celebrated around the world, and also make crafts and cook special holiday dishes. You can have your cake and eat it too!

How does one plan a holiday unit? Pick one main activity and then add to it. You will have to make choices. You cannot cook every treat; instead, prepare your favorite recipe. Remember, we are not trying for 30 minutes of art and 30 minutes of history each day. Some units are more art and some are more Bible and some are more history. Be content with the flow, and always try to combine activities to kill two birds with one stone.    (more…)