5 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Homeschooling

Taken from http://www.hsclassroom.net/5-ways-to-take-the-stress-out-of-homeschooling/

hs stress


The following is a post from contributing writer Tanya from Finding the Teachable Moments.

Don’t make school a chore.

Last year I made the rule that there would be no TV or video games until school was finished.  Being our first year of homeschooling, I thought my children would come to accept it and it would become part of our daily routine. Instead, school time became the “bad guy” that kept my kiddos from enjoying their favorite pastimes.  Learning together became a chore rather than a journey.

So now we have an overall daily limit on screen time that can be used anytime from morning until bedtime.  If they choose to take a break from school related activities to watch an episode of Curious George, that’s fine.  Sometimes a break is needed.  Having the freedom to make independent choices within limits is important too.   As an added bonus, it is also teaching them to budget their time. My oldest son intentionally saves his TV time for evening.  Now it’s his choice not to watch TV during school, not mine.  I’m not saying whining and complaining over limitations goes away, but it becomes a protest against a household rule and takes the heat off of school.

Is there a way you can make school less of a chore in your home? (more…)