The Only Attachments a Child Needs

Published with Permission
Written by Dr. Brian D. Ray

• Little 4-year-old Tommy needs a play group.

• Mary must have a lot of friends or she will not know how to get along with others.

• Eventual adult psychological autonomy can be had only if teens are with other teens more than they are with their parents.

• Sam is with his family too much; he needs more team sports.

• The most important people in Suzy’s life are her parents and siblings;

that is not normal, and school would be better for her than home-based education.


I have heard all of the above claims and many more as I have testified as an expert witness in dozens of court cases across the nation. And I am sure that many homeschool parents reading this article have heard the same, and probably more extravagant, claims than the ones above. (I have too, by the way.)


I have searched high and low for empirical research that substantiates the claim that children and youth need to spend six to eight hours per day, five days per week, nine months per year together in schools in order to be healthy and successful as teenagers and into adulthood. It seems to not exist. (more…)