Organization is the Key

Used With Permission
By Lakisha M. Johnson

I write mainly for newbies. Those of us that have only been home schooling for the last few years. I am a mother of five (5) sons, two of which who are already in college. Because we had children later, we have different ages in our home. Homeschooling for us, has been quite an interesting process. We aren’t a typical homeschooling household. We have a business that we run from home and I also teach for a local college. One of the key things that we have found out is staying organized is key! It can get crazy around here, if we let it! The 2 year old needs a parent to himself! So we have found preparation, organization and time management is the key thing in keeping us organized. Here are some things that we have found helpful to us during a home school week:

Updated: We Are Not Alone

Used with Permission
Written by Katharine Trauger

Place yourself in the shoes of a home schooling mother named Jane, from long ago. You remember the time when the Liberty Bell rang out the good news of freedom in the Americas. Mozart and Beethoven are enjoying their years of fame.

Imagine, if you can, Jane, beginning to raise ten children during this time, in a log cabin in the Carolinas, without electricity, without indoor water, without refrigeration, without a car. Nevertheless, the brave experimental society that is growing around you gives you great hope for the future. Your family grows.

Imagine how you must feel as your firstborn son begins esperiencing extreme abdominal pain most of the hours of most of his days, pain for which you can find no remedy. (more…)